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All the latest news, information and insights from the Co-op, our members, and the community.

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Summer Lawn Care: Tips for a Lush, Healthy Lawn

Summer is one of the best times of the year to enjoy your lovely, lush lawn. However, the season’s hot, humid, and sometimes wet conditions can cause your lawn to […]

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Winter Care: Keeping Your Hens Healthy

By Jasmine Hutton, Produce Assistant The colder months have arrived in

EOFY Clearance Sale

It’s that time of year again—Bowral Co-op’s End of Financial Year

Our Delivery Service

Bowral Co-op’s Delivery Service brings the convenience of our store directly

Carbon Sequestration

Bowral Co-op is proud to announce its collaboration with Carbon Asset

Horse hoof care - Bowral Co-op

Hoof blocks for horse health

While the Southern Highland's long, wet summer has delivered a lovely

weed control Bowral Co-op

Knockdown herbicide basics

Knockdown herbicides, also known as non-selective herbicides, are designed to eliminate

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